Church-wide Ministries
Artists Reaching for Christ (ARC)
Leader: Wendy Shelley
Are you looking for a place to unleash your creative side? Join us in creating art, as we reflect on God's creation.
Evangelism Training & Outreach
Leaders: Dr. Jerry & Mrs. Marge Suhr
Everyone is called to share the Good News of Jesus. Are you ready? We will help you know how, and will encourage you to do this great work of sharing the Gospel with the lost.
Sound, Lighting & Media Ministry
Leaders: Tommy Hucks, Rev. Paul Self
Are you a “techie”? These are our “technical” folks that are behind the scenes, who make our services run more smoothly. There is much involved, everything from manning the cameras, projecting the visuals and music lyrics, adjusting the lighting and sound (for both in person and online), and streaming services online.
Music Ministry
Leader: Rev. Paul Self
We are blessed to have talented singers and musicians in our church, but we can always use more. Are you musically inclined?
Saints Alive (Seniors 50+) Ministry
Leader: Denise Stanley & Cheryl Davidson
Getting together for good food and fellowship is a highlight to our 50+ group, whether at the church or on an outing. We incorporate a devotion, special entertainment, and often have games and prizes. Sometimes we even take our fun “on the road”, enjoying trips to such places as the Amish country, sailing to the Bahamas, or down the road to Charleston.
Salt & Light Citizenship Ministry
Leaders: Chuck Collins & Bren Gibson
This is an informational ministry dedicated to updating and educating Christians of frequently changing laws and pending legislation that will affect our religious and personal freedoms. We make available specialized training, seminars and informational flyers to better equip Christians with an understanding of the secular governing process, to empower Christians to become a stronger influence with elected public officials. Our goal is to encourage those officials to enact and support sound public policies that protect our religious and personal freedoms.
Usher & Greeter Ministry
Leaders: Carlos Cepeda (ushers) & Deb Stout (greeters)
These are some off the first faces our visitors see when they come to GBSC. We strive to extend a warm welcome to each one, to assist them if they have questions, to direct them to a Sunday school class or the Sanctuary for worship and fellowship amongst brothers and sisters in Christ. We could use YOUR smiling face and gift of helps in welcoming our guests.
Safety/Security/EMT Ministry
Leaders: Bob Cutright & King Young
These are the folks who (often behind the scenes) help maintain the safety of our church property and services. We appreciate the time and energy they put into doing so.
Jubilee by the Sea Ministry
Leader: Karen Hucks
These days of refreshing require preparation. A gift of administration and organization would go a long way to prepare for this anticipated annual event.
Decorating Ministry
Leaders: Wendy Shelley & Brenda Spivey
Like to dress things up and make it even more pretty? We can always use more hands with decorating for special occasions.
Food Service Ministry
Leader: Denise Stanley & Joyce Holcombe
As "good Baptists", we love to eat! But often people forget what it takes to make it happen...the preparation of the food, the cleanup after. We always need more hands to make the work lighter.
Hospitality Ministry
Leaders: Marvin & Milly Byler, & Wendy Shelley
We have a team of folks who are ready and willing to answer any questions our guests may have about our church. They are available every Sunday morning, following the service.